Matt Thomas

Class of 2015, BFA Creative Writing, BA in English Literature

Matt Thomas

What was your favorite part of studying Creative Writing at UE?

My favorite part was working with professors who focused on different genres. When I had a poetry class, it was taught by someone who publishes primarily in poetry, the same for non-fiction and so on. Each of my professors knew their chosen genres well and were excited to share their knowledge on the different forms.

What did you experience in UE's CRW department that feels special/unique to our program?

Working on The Evansville Review. At the time, I didn't know how uncommon it was for an undergraduate program to have an undergrad-run journal that published more than just student work. It was awesome getting to learn hands on about what the journal publishing process is like.

What was your favorite Creative Writing class and why?

Dr. Nik's short fiction class, hands down. She pushed everyone in the class to improve their writing, and provided heaps of support outside of the classroom. I also became more acquainted with contemporary fiction than I had been before, and learned how to be a better reader.

What are you up to now?

I'm a customer account representative with Indianapolis Team right now. Right now that means I'm an area manager for AT&T, where I explain the benefits of newly upgraded services in an area and help people to make informed decisions regarding what services they receive. We have a variety of clients though, so it could change.

Yes, of course I'm still writing! My piece, “Missing Person,” just went live on S/WORD. I'm mostly working on short fiction, but I'm branching out more into nonfiction as well.

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