Global Religion Emphasis
The Global Religion emphasis provides comparative study of religious and theological traditions around the world, focused on issues of interreligious engagement and dialogue.
In addition to completing the core religion requirements, students should complete the following courses:
- REL-310 Contemporary Theologies (3 credits)
- REL-314 Religions of East Asia (3 credits)
- REL-315 Jews, Christians, Muslims (3 credits)
- REL-320 Jesus and the Gospels (3 credits)
- REL-335 Biblical Narratives (3 credits)
- REL-340 Women and Religion (3 credits)
- REL-445 Religion, Peace & Justice (3 credits)
- REL-492 Religion Internship (1-3 credits)
- REL 492 is optional and does not count toward major requirements
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Room 350, Olmsted Administration Hall