Benefits of UExplore
- Graduate school preparedness
- Professional and life experience
- Contact with faculty
- Develop writing skills
- Experience the excitement of discovery and innovation
- Explore a topic of personal interest
- Summer stipend and housing
Student or Faculty Generated Grants that include
- Money for equipment and supplies
- 10 weeks of housing and stipends for summer grant awardees
- Honorarium upon presentation of project or publication of results for Faculty Advisor
- Travel funds to conferences to present research
- Information on opportunities for externally funded off-campus internships
Examples of Research Proposals
- Biology: Determination of phytogenic relationship between Unionicola foili and Unionicola Formosa: Does DNA sequence analysis support a two-species model?
- Business: Perceptions of trustworthiness and legitimacy of e-commerce ventures
- Chemistry: Isolation and Identification of a Pneumocystis carinii protein with affinity for 8-Aminoquinolines
- Engineering: Innovative designs for an assistive technology device to perform wheelchair simulations for patients
- English: F. Scott Fitzgerald and the evolution of the American dream
- Finance: Issues surrounding Direct Purchase Plans - DPPs
- Foreign Languages: Refusal strategies: Comparison of three Spanish dialects and American English
- Interpersonal Communication: Attraction factors involved in Internet relationships
- Music: Analytical study of the compositional techniques used in Richard Faith's opera Beauty and the Beast
- Physical Therapy: The effects of exercise on land and in the water to reduce low back pain during pregnancy
- Physics: Modeling of Plasma Fluctuations in the Earth's Ionosphere
- Political Science: From critique to consensus: In pursuit of Post-Modern Politics
- Psychology: Influence of judge's instructions and vior dire questionnaires on juror memory
- Religion: Investigation of the literary structure of Luke-Acts.