Candice Reed

Psychology and Criminal Justice

Photo of Candice

Class Year: 2017

An Internship Leads to an Unforeseen Career

University of Evansville alumna Candice Reed is a criminal intelligence analyst with the Indiana State Police (ISP). She helps collect, evaluate, analyze, and disseminate information and intelligence to support local, state, and federal agencies in detecting, preventing, and responding to criminal and terrorist activity.

Candice had no idea that her job even existed until she took an internship with ISP right before her senior year at UE.

It was an enlightening and life-changing experience in many ways.

“I rode along with ISP troopers, went to the scene of a homicide, attended an autopsy, and toured the ISP police academy and laboratory. Applying for that internship was one of the best decisions that I ever made. I gained insight into the criminal justice field, and made professional contacts. It allowed me to get my foot in the door with ISP, helping me land a job with them.”

Benefits of Greek Life

Candice said that another good choice that she made as a UE student was to take part in Greek life.

“I didn’t expect to join a sorority, but I’m thankful I did. I was involved in Phi Mu Fraternity for Women, where I held the position of vice president. My sorority experience changed me for the better. I learned leadership and interpersonal skills, gained professional contacts, and made life-long friendships.”

A Supportive Community

One of the best things about her time at UE, said Candice, were the connections she made and the relationships that she established.

“I met the most amazing classmates, sorority sisters, and professors, especially Dr. (Kevin) Gray and Professor (Robert) Shelby. They all made my college experience the best it could be, and I am forever grateful for that.”