Student Organizations
The CNS Research Group is a student/faculty organization that is both social and academic in its orientation. It's primary purpose is to foster the cross-fertilization of ideas by providing a forum for sharing details of various research projects around campus and discussing recent developments in the scientific literature. Students serving as research assistants in the labs or who are working on senior research projects, along with regular university faculty, have the opportunity to discuss their work in an interdisciplinary context among interested students and faculty.
The CNS Research Group meets for one hour weekly on Mondays from 5:00 to 6:00 in LI 462. Sessions include informal "reports," not often finalized lectures, which run no more than 30 minutes to allow time for questions and other business. Alumni, students and faculty are invited to present on topics related to CNS, regardless of their department or major.
In addition to meeting in physical space, the organization maintains a group on Facebook where members can communicate asynchronously on topics of related interest. The focus of the group is interdisciplinary to include anthropology, artificial intelligence, biology, linguistics, neuroscience, philosophy, psychology and robotics. Its primary research emphasis is on the study of cognition and behavior in human and non-human animals and other animals. Items representing recent discoveries in the cognitive and neural sciences are regularly posted to the group. The Facebook group is open to UE faculty, alumni and students working in or merely interested in the cognitive and neural sciences. High school students who are considering coming to UE to study in these areas are also welcome to join.
Office Phone
Office Email
Office Location
Room 343, Olmsted Administration Hall