Denis Illige-Saucier

Class of 2006, BFA Creative Writing and BA History

Denis Illige-Saucier

What was your favorite part of studying Creative Writing at UE?

I read great books and learned about what made them work, but I think the Copy Editing course at the very beginning is what I treasure the most, as it had a much bigger impact on my career path and the way I think about writing than I could have possibly guessed at the time. And it was great fun!

What did you experience in UE's CRW department that feels special/unique to our program?

The personal attention and flexibility of the Creative Writing program at UE was very special and was a huge part of the very positive experience that I had.

What was your favorite Creative Writing class and why?

I loved a lot of my classes, but English Novel at Harlaxton with Dr. McKenzie was probably my favorite. It would have been a great class anywhere, but that setting made it really special.

What are you up to now?

I'm a Recruitment and Placement Specialist for the Peace Corps Response program (at Peace Corps headquarters in Washington DC). I work on recruiting and selecting highly-skilled volunteers for short term (3-12 months), more specialized international assignments in the Peace Corps, and I like my job a lot. I attended graduate school and received my MA in English from the University of Denver in 2009.

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