Harlaxton Society By-Laws

Article I. Name, History and Authorization

The name of this organization shall be the Harlaxton Society.

The Harlaxton Society is the alumni organization for Harlaxton. The Harlaxton Society was started in 1972 as an auxiliary, dues paying organization. In 2005 it became the Alumni Association of Harlaxton.

The Harlaxton Society Board Bylaws have been amended in 1980, 1995, 2005 and 2017. The Harlaxton Society is an alumni organization within the University of Evansville and reports to the Board of Trustees via the Alumni Association Board.

Article II. Purpose

The purpose of the Harlaxton Society is to serve the interests of the University of Evansville by connecting Harlaxton alumni and friends with current information about the College and to support the educational experience for current University of Evansville students attending Harlaxton through scholarship support.

Article III. Membership

Membership in the Harlaxton Society is open to all former students, faculty and staff of Harlaxton and all members of the original Harlaxton Society as listed at Harlaxton. Honorary membership may be granted to other friends of Harlaxton by the Harlaxton Society Board of Directors.

Article IV. Organization

Leadership of the Harlaxton Society shall be vested in the Harlaxton Society Board of Directors. The Harlaxton Society receives support from the University of Evansville through the Office of Alumni and Engagement and operates on the same fiscal year as the University (June 1 – May 31). The Harlaxton Society Board of Directors is an advisory body and does not decide policy for the University.

Article V: Board of Directors

The Board of Directors is composed of a President, Vice President, and Secretary in addition to 17 at-large Directors, each eligible to serve two consecutive three-year terms. In no event shall any one person serve as a director more than six years in any nine year period. Board members are expected to attend at least one meeting in person each year and donate annually to the Harlaxton Society Scholarship fund. The status of any director who misses two consecutive meetings or fails to donate to the fund will be subject to review by the nominating committee.

Lifetime directorships shall be granted to directors who show extraordinary dedication to our mission and purpose, who served at least two full-terms on the board, and who continue to support the Harlaxton community. This honor shall be at the discretion of the Board Officers and must be approved by the University through the Director of Alumni and Engagement. Lifetime directors shall have full voting rights but do not have an obligation to committee service.

Ex-officio membership on the board shall be granted to: the Principal of Harlaxton, the Chair of the UE Board of Trustees and the following University of Evansville staff members: Director of Alumni and Engagement, Harlaxton Program Director, and the development officer assigned to the Harlaxton Endowed Scholarship fund.

Article VI. Officer Positions

Section 1. The President shall:
  1. Preside over all meetings as the chair of the Board
  2. Coordinate and supervise the activities of the Board with a University Representative
  3. Serve as the ex-officio member for all committees
  4. Serve as the official representative of the Harlaxton Society Board at Alumni Association meetings
  5. Approve lifetime and all Board appointments
Section 2. The Vice President shall:
  1. Assume the duties of the President in his/her absence
  2. Oversee all committees
Section 3. The Secretary shall:
  1. Prepare all agendas
  2. Distribute minutes of all Board meetings to the Board

Article VII. Board appointments

At least five months prior to the first meeting of new Board membership, the nominating committee will review all candidates. The Board President will interview finalists and make a recommendation to the committee. Within three months of their first Board meeting, finalists will be voted upon and approved by the Board and nominated in writing. New Board members will attend an orientation prior to their first meeting. Board members will be chosen based on the following criteria: Service to the University of Evansville and Harlaxton communities, financial commitment to the University, involvement in alumni activities, location, affinity rating and willingness to serve on the Board.

Article VIII. Officer appointments

The Executive Board is composed of a President, Vice President, and Secretary. Officer candidates must meet the following qualifications: attend regular Board meetings in person, serve actively on their assigned committee, and donate to the Harlaxton Society Scholarship Fund.

The nominating committee will identify a Board member every two years to serve for one two-year term as Vice-President followed by one two-year term as President. Repeat terms may not occur. The Secretary position may be held for two two-year terms based on nominations.

Article IX. Committees

Each board member shall serve on one of five committees: Finance, Scholarship, Communication, Special Events, and Nominating. Committee membership is open to all members of the Harlaxton Society Board. The Executive Board will nominate committee chairs directly.

Section 1. The Finance committee is responsible for raising funds to meet our purpose. The committee is composed of at least five Board members, one officer, and the Development Officer or their representative.

Section 2. The Scholarship committee is responsible for choosing the student recipients for the semester Harlaxton Society Scholarships. They shall be available to interview candidates in person nominated by the Harlaxton Program Director. This committee is composed of one Lifetime Board member, two Board members, one Officer and the Harlaxton Program Director.

Section 3. The Communication committee is responsible for all marketing of the Harlaxton Society for fundraising and event purposes. They should update social media and share ideas for best practices with the University. This committee is composed of at least three Board members and the Director of Alumni and Engagement.

Section 4. The Special Events committee is responsible for planning and implementing Gregory Gregory Day events, local community activities, and opportunities for social interaction for our alumni. This committee is composed of at least five Board Members and the Director of Alumni and Engagement.

Section 5. The Nominating committee is responsible for nominating Board and officer appointments as per Articles VII and VIII and is composed of the current officers and outgoing Board members. The Director of Alumni and Engagement will collect nominations from University personnel and Harlaxton Society members.

X. Meetings

The Harlaxton Society Board will meet at least twice each year; once in the fall and once in the spring for the purposes of conducting business and awarding student scholarships.

XI. Voting

Voting will be by a simple majority of Directors present at a meeting called with sufficient notice to all members. Any amendments to these bylaws must be made in writing and shared with the Board at least two weeks before the Board votes. Votes can occur in writing, electronically, or in person at meetings.

By-laws Revised May 31, 2017