Program and Course Offerings

The social justice program is designed for students who want to take action and make a difference. The major combines thinking critically and action with courses in three areas:

  • Area 1:With courses in ethics/social justice, students develop intellectual skills to become complex thinkers able to address problems within their neighborhood and around the world.

  • Area 2:Through changemaking courses, students learn the practical skills and creativity necessary to make an impact.

  • Area 3:By choosing a concentration, students tailor their study to their individual interests and career goals.

AREA 1: Ethics/Social Justice

ETH 100 Social Justice Theories
ETH 200 Social Justice Movements
ETH 201 Comparative Religious Ethics
ETH 300 Writing for Social Justice and
Social Change
Choose one of the following:
  • PSCI 326 Women and American Politics
  • REL 275 Race and Religion
  • REL 375 Religion, Gender & Culture
  • SOC 438 Race and Ethnic Relations
  • SOC 435 Sex, Gender & Sexualities
ETH 499 Ethics and Social Change

AREA 2: Changemaking

CHGN 101 Transformative Action
CHGN 310 Ethics and Social Change
Action Project
One course in design thinking:
  • PSYC-265 Applied Creativity & Design
  • LDR-425 Design Thinking for Organizational Change
CHNG 310 Community Race ProjectorCHNG 310 Project Citizen
CHNG 310 ChangeLab elective (or ETH 375 Field Experience)
CHNG 310 ChangeLab elective (or ETH 475 Field Experience)

AREA 3: Concentration

Five courses in one of the following concentrations:
  • Business Administration
  • Communications
  • Criminal Justice
  • Gender & Women's Studies
  • Race & Ethnicity Studies
  • Legal Studies
  • Political Science
  • Public Health
  • Sociology
  • Social and Human Services
  • Psychology