The Plan

We have conceived a plan to get you where you want to be. Let's begin your journey to discovery:

Step 1:

Before you enroll at UE, we want you to meet with one of our Academic Advisors who work to help guide students on their path to choosing their major in the Major Discovery Program.

The University of Evansville offers several majors which have strong national reputations and are popular with students who have a wide range of academic interests. Many of our best students also have several academic interests.

Step 2:

Once admitted to the University of Evansville as a student in the Major Discovery Program, you are considered for the same merit scholarships as students who select a specific area of study.

Step 3:

When you enroll, you will be assigned an academic advisor from the Center for Academic Advising. This person will listen to you – hear what you are saying about the things you love – and then help you prepare a course schedule that allows you to delve deeper into these subjects. Your advisor will be a mentor dedicated to helping you reach your personal and professional success.

Step 4:

Some students select an area of study after their first semester, but many take longer. Because of the flexibility in our liberal arts general education program and our commitment to letting you explore your academic interests, we encourage you to take your time in choosing a major. We will help you by suggesting course schedules that maximize your discovery process and keep you on time for graduation. For financial aid purposes, you must declare a major by the start of your junior year, but we will be there to help you make that decision.