
We offer a variety of services to our clientele. Please see below for a list of services we offer.

Integrated Care

Integrated care offers a more coordinated approach to delivering behavioral health services, emphasizing close collaboration among diverse providers such as psychologists, physician assistants, physicians, and PsyD students. Recognizing that comprehensive care often involves a blend of therapy, medication, and psychological testing, our providers actively work together to ensure clients receive the most effective treatment. To best support the integrated care model and our clients, the Clinic offers services that may include a combination of treatments.


In alignment with our mission to provide quality care and increase the number of qualified mental health providers in our community, clientele are primarily seen by students from UE’s PsyD in Clinical Psychology program who are studying to become licensed clinical psychologists. These graduate students are directly supervised by our licensed faculty members. Together, your clinician and their supervisor will collaborate to develop a treatment plan tailored specifically to support your unique needs.

Common concerns addressed in the Clinic include:

  • Anxiety and worry
  • Attention and focus concerns
  • Stress
  • Depression
  • Anger
  • Interpersonal relationships/conflicts
  • Panic attacks
  • Phobias
  • Social and performance anxiety
  • Test/school anxiety
  • Health anxiety

Medication Management

Considering the biological factors that influence mental health, medication can significantly enhance quality of life. Since the effectiveness of medications can vary from person to person, medication management ensures you are benefiting optimally from your current regimen. Our board-certified physician assistant, specializing in psychiatry, provides these medication management services with support from UE Physician Assistant students and a collaborating physician.

Services may include but are not limited to:

  • General wellness consultations/evaluations
  • Pharmacogenomic testing to help identify best options for you
  • Prescribing medication(s) to manage mental health concerns
  • Monitoring effectiveness of current prescription medications

Psychological Testing

While our providers can provide diagnostic information during your initial appointment, further in-depth testing may be needed to identify the best course of action for your current health concerns. This type of testing involves collecting data from various sources including client performance on tasks assigned directly in the Clinic. Testing is conducted by our graduate student clinicians in collaboration with their licensed supervisors.

Common concerns that may require psychological testing include:

  • ADHD
  • Learning disabilities
  • Intellectual abilities
  • Personality assessment
  • Psychosocial assessment
  • Psychoeducational testing

*The Clinic does not provide child custody or disability evaluations.

Process to Begin Services

  1. To inquire about services, call the Clinic for a phone screening, which takes about 20 minutes. During this screening, you will provide a brief background on your concerns and discuss the potential services you are interested in, allowing us to connect you with the best provider. The person calling must either be the individual seeking services or someone with legal guardianship over the prospective client.

  2. After the phone screening, you will likely be placed on our notification list, the length of which can vary. We will contact you as soon as an appointment becomes available, but you are welcome to call the Clinic if you have any questions.