Example Sub Page

This is a typical subpage in an area. This page uses the "Standard" sub-header which does not require building a content component for. It simply displays the area's name (set by the "Display Name" of folder this page is in) and will display the hero.jpg in the background located in this same folder's "images" folder automatically.

If you want to have multiple columns of Basic Content, you can click the "+" button above the WYSIWYG editor box and each new WYSIWYG box will appear as a new column on desktop layouts.  On smaller screens, these columns will stack on top of each other.

This is the second WYSIWYG box on the same Main Content row. These boxes can contain any content that can go in the WYSIWYG editor such as text, lists, tables, buttons or images.  Keep in mind however that since you're limited to just the WYSIWYG, you can not put other content components (such as FAQ, Extras Box, etc.) into a column using this method.  To have two columns that contain various other content components, use the "Content with Sidbar" option instead.

This is a third column of content because there are three WYSIWYG boxes in this "Basic Content" component on this main content row.  If a fourth was added, it there would be four columns however, you should be careful not to add too many as there may not be enough room to fit more.

Example FAQ Content Component

  1. What is the FAQ Content Component?
  2. What other features doe FAQ blocks have?
  3. Are there other uses for the FAQ content coomponent?

What is the FAQ Content Component?
This is a asset block you can create and add to a page using the "FAQ" content component type that will generate a list of question and answers in a simple to read format. The questions can be added, edited or reordered by simply editing the block and clicking the up and down arrows in that block.
What other features doe FAQ blocks have?
You can enable the "Display Index" option to have it list the questions as links before the FAQ begins allowing visitors to jump down to specific questions.  If you are building a very complex FAQ that needs multiple categories, you can enable the "Multiple Categories" option and it will group questions into separate topics all within the same FAQ block.  This example does not use multiple categories.
Are there other uses for the FAQ content coomponent?
Yes! You can also use this component for things other than frequently asked questions. For example, if you want to display a list of definitions for a particular subject.

Example of "Return to..." Link box

While not necissary, sometimes pages will include a link at the bottom to return to a previous page. To create the example below, follow these steps:

  1. Using the Basic Content component, start a new paragraph and type the message that should appear.
  2. Select this text and click the link icon in the WYSIWYG toolbar (the chain)
  3. Select the internal page you would like to link to.
  4. In Styles, select "Link (arrow up")

Example of an arrow up return link