AceBuddies is a group fitness program for individuals with disabilities and does not require a physician referral. We strive to improve the participant's self-efficacy and confidence through exercise with a trusted Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) student under the supervision of a licensed physical therapist. More information regarding the program and registration details can be found in the AceBuddies brochure.
Frequently Asked Questions
- Who will the athlete be working with each week?
- We work hard to pair the athlete (participant) with a consistent 1 or 2 “coaches” (students) each week. We obtain availability from each coach prior to the start of the sessions. We then place the coaches together based on this availability so that the athlete can work with the same person or 2 people each week. This allows the coach(es) and athlete to get to know each other and build a trusting relationship. On the first day, the coach(es) paired with the athlete will greet them at the door and introduce themselves to the athlete and any accompanying family members. This allows the athlete and the family members to be able to identify their exact coach(es) each week.
- What is expected of the family/caregivers each week?
- The coaches and athletes that participate in AceBuddies work hard on their exercises and workouts on Saturday mornings. At the end of each workout, we provide the athlete with what is called a 5 for 5 (5 exercises to be performed for a total of 5 minutes - 1 minute per exercise). Pictures and descriptions of the exercises are available on the 5 for 5 sheet. The 5 for 5 is intended to be completed by the athlete each day of the week leading up to the next week's session. All that we ask of the family/caregivers is to provide positive support and assistance as needed for the athlete to complete his/her exercises each day. Our coaches love working out with the athletes and vice versa. Our hope is that family members and caregivers can share in that same passion and excitement at home.
- How many sessions are there per semester?
- AceBuddies meets for 6 total sessions each semester on Saturday mornings.
- How long do sessions last?
- Sessions are held on Saturday mornings for 1 hour. The first week and the final week are what we call "outcome measures day" where the athletes may need to arrive about 10 minutes prior to the start of the session.
- How much does AceBuddies cost?
- Free! AceBuddies operates on a completely Doctor of Physical Therapy student and licensed physical therapist volunteer basis. We do not ask for any payment other than good spirits, excitement, and a smile each week. We love having everyone out on a Saturday morning to workout with us! However, we do have operating costs to run the program and obtain necessary supplies. Ace CARE does accept donations to help with the costs for all three of our branches but this is absolutely not necessary to participate in our programs.
- How should I get scheduled?
Ace+PT phone
ACErcise phone
812-677-1107 or 812-617-2112
Office Email
AceBuddies Email
Ace+PT email
Office Location
515 Bob Jones Way, Room 3001, Evansville, IN 47708
ACErcise and AceBuddies Locations
Carson Center, University of Evansville Campus
Ace+PT Location
Room 104, Graves Hall, University of Evansville Campus